Dr. Albert Lauder Kinsey in the AMA Deceased Physicians Directory

Directory of Deceased American Physicians (1804-1929)

Name: Albert Lauder Kinsey
Birth Date: 1885
Date of Death: 29 Apr 1922
Death Place: Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada
Type of Practice: Allopath*
Licenses: Newfoundland (1909); Ontario (1910)
Practices: Cochrane, Ontario, Canada (1909); Hearst, Ontario, Canada (Mar 26, 1912); Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada (Jan 31, 1922)
Medical School: University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, Toronto: Trinity Univ., 1908
JAMA Citation**: 79:56
Cause of Death: long illness

* An "allopath" is someone who practices western style medicine.
** JAMA is the Journal of the American Medical Association.
